大象體操 Elephant Gym — 半個 (Half)

elephantgym taiwan instrumentalrock mathrock jazz megaportfestival audiotree

Elephant Gym’s 半個 (Half) stands out in their 水底 (Underwater) album, personally for me. Firstly because there are not many of their songs where they use a piano. Secondly, the piano somehow gave the song a different kind of vibe.

The composition of 半個 started with the MV and no music. The director, Lee Yen Hsun (李彥勳), shot the MV based on an old Chinese song (If I heard it correctly in their interview with @CINEMA SESSIONS, the song was 李心潔’s 爱錯) and they then wrote the song based on the MV 1.

The YouTube video above is their live recording with CINEMA SESSIONS at YuChen Studios. You can find the MV for this song here.

When I listen to songs, I often focus more on the bass and drum. And this is definitely one of the reasons that attracted me to Elephant Gym. KT Chang has a very unique way of playing the bass, something you don’t see and hear often. You’ll also notice that she uses finger tapping to create some of the interesting harmonics. This mixes very well with Tell Chang’s rhythm and harmony on the guitar and piano, and Chia-Chin’s dynamic drumming style.

Other Elephant Gym’s performances

Megaport Music Festical (大港開唱) 2018

This was their performance at the Megaport Music Festival (大港開唱) 2018. If I recall correctly, this video was the first time I listened to their songs.

Audiotree Live Session

Elephant Gym did a session with AudioTree when they toured the US in 2019. If you notice, KT threw her headphones mid-song when they did their first song, 水底.

More About Elephant Gym


  1. In the “Behind the Scene” video with @CINEMA SESSIONS, Elephant Gym talked about their song 半個 at around 3:31 

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